Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What Annoying Song is Stuck in My Head Today?

If I need to suffer with a song stuck in my head, why shouldn't you have to do the same? Sometimes they're good, most times they're bad... but no matter what, they make you suffer. So I like to share the suffering whenever it happens.

Rumors were running rampant recently that Aerosmith was close to breaking up. I don't really care -- I don't know what they've done in the last decade, not that I would be interested anyway. But there are plenty of Aerosmith songs that qualify for getting stuck in my head, and one of the radio stations discussing this non-story played the worst one of all.

Here's the thing -- I kind of like the movie Armageddon. Movies where Bruce Willis is trying to save the day are, as a general rule, good things, and this one qualifies, despite Ben Affleck. It's not like you expect anything other than an outlandish plot and lots of decent explosions, with some over-the-top cynical humor, and all of those are here in spades. I think of it the same way as I think of Con Air -- it's so bad it's good, although Willis is way better than Nic Cage as a hero. Hell, both movies include Steve Buscemi as comic relief.

But there are way too many Affleck-Liv Tyler scenes (the animal cracker one in particular) and this song, which make me want to throw up. And in answer to Affleck's animal cracker question, who gives a shit? Anyway, to the song...

You're welcome.



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