Monday, November 09, 2009

On That Health Care Thing That Passed the House

The Wall Street Journal summarizes my own views on the healthcare bill the House passed rather nicely. I tend to doub the Senate will see common sense, but it's nice of Pelosi to give the GOP the whole winter break to review and pick apart the monstrosity that she and her fellow Dems have bequeathed to America. I know we were in a rush, since this solves the economic prob... wait, it doesn't?

I'm reasonably certain the Dem majority will decline in next fall's elections -- whether they lose it entirely will be determined by what passes the Senate. The GOP needs to disregard the likely short-term political gain of winning next fall based on the Dems' decision to defy public opinion -- by then, it will be too late to reverse one more new unaffordable entitlement. And the right-wing blogosphere needs to eat this bill for lunch and spit out every objectionable point and gift to trial lawyers, unions, etc. The battle isn't over yet.


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