Sunday, January 10, 2010

John Edwards Was Who I Thought He Was

I think I will have to read Game Change, based on the New Yorker excerpt. Hell, it confirms that even John Edwards' fellow Senate Democrats thought he was a shallow show pony. Hell, even his wife thought so...
With her husband, she could be intensely affectionate or brutally dismissive. At times subtly, at times blatantly, she was forever letting John know that she regarded him as her intellectual inferior. She called her spouse a “hick” in front of other people and derided his parents as rednecks. One time, when a friend asked if John had read a certain book, Elizabeth burst out laughing. “Oh, he doesn’t read books,” she said. “I’m the one who reads books.”
And that's without considering the fact that is entire campaign staff tried to get him to stop sleeping with Rielle Hunter, and he wouldn't listen. What an intellect. Remember the next time that someone on the left rips John McCain for selecting Sarah Palin to be one heartbeat away from the Oval Office, that same person likely supported John Kerry making John Edwards his running mate in 2004. I'm pretty sure even Kerry now thinks that was a stupid idea.

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