Friday, August 27, 2004

The Wedding Update

by the world's least dangerous man

This wedding update is brought to you by Maker's Mark. As if you need to ask why.

337 days to go...

You know, this countdown thing isn't nearly as much fun as it was when I was making fun other people. But we need to make sure it continues, I guess. But it would be helpful if certain big red-heads actually took the time to exact some real payback. It's not like he has real things to do, like raising a child. Yes, Johnny Goblin, that line's for you.

Anyway, Alli is busy this weekend looking at photographers, while I can't participate due to work commitments. I'm actually upset about this, since I don't get to provide a humorous post detailing the pictures from other weddings that I would have had the opportunity to review, with comments sure to annoy my future wife. Lines like, "Man, he is a good photographer. All these weddings of ugly people, and he made them look half-human. Even Ratboy over there."

Again, I'm not sure why she agreed to marry me, either.


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