Thursday, October 07, 2004

The John Kerry Post of the Day

My latest discovery about my favorite cheese-eating surrendermonkey-looking Ketchup King cum Presidential candidate:

The Senator took the day off to prep for the debate tomorrow night. So we're going back over a question from yesterday's post on the draft:
What's even worse is that Rangel and Conyers basically engage in the scaremongering campaign that basically leaves one to wonder what their point is. Senator Kerry's alleged plan for Iraq differs very little from the one being executed by the President, except when Kerry starts flip-flopping again. But if they believe the draft will be necessary to win in Iraq, won't Kerry need to reinstate it?

There's only one answer that makes sense.

Senator Ketchup plans to cut and run from Iraq.

Don't like the logic? Yesterday, Kerry acknowledged that we wouldn't get more support from other allies in Iraq. No other troops to share the load.

Yet he keeps telling people on the campaign trail that he's not sure what the Bush Administration will do if re-elected, including possibly reinstating the draft, because we can't win in Iraq without getting more troops on the ground, and that requires more allies or a draft.

And his party and his supporters have actively promoted this idea that the draft is coming back if Bush is re-elected, because we can't win without more troops, and more troops requires a draft.

Kerry won't have a draft. He insists that we need more troops on the ground to win, yet acknowledges that other countries won't be able to help. And he won't draft more troops.

Which leaves one conclusion -- he plans to cut and run and lose.

Maybe he does believe this is Vietnam after all.

And before you complain... this logic is a heck of a lot more credible than the horse manure about the draft.



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