Monday, May 09, 2005

Another Shot of Vodka

You know, there's something to be said for honest Libertarianism. Stephen Green takes to task his former allies who seem unwilling to fight the war on terror...

I'm a big believer in liberty. I support abortion rights. I want gay marriage legalized. I think good porn can be quite healthy. I was calling for an end to the Drug War long before I ever took my first hit of pot. I like a little hearty raunchiness on my TV, and nothing frightens me less than the prospect of my child someday catching a glimpse of a boob on the tube.

For all its flaws, for all its occasional nastiness, I still think liberty is the best thing going – even when I disagree with how my neighbors exercise their freedoms. After all, maybe they don't approve of what I do with mine.

But where are my allies?

Much of the pro-choice lobby thinks it's just dandy if half of the Arab world is confined to the abaya. Many of my gay friends have apparently decided that, if some countries want to topple stone walls on top of their local gays, that's not the concern of San Francisco. "Porn for me but not for thee" is the attitude of about every pornographer who has ever expressed an opinion on the Terror War. And the TV and movie moguls make the porn kings look brave by comparison.

Where the hell are my allies?
The good news is, Green was seriously considering leaving the blogosphere, which would be a terrible loss. I don't blame him for considering the idea -- his wife's pregnant, and family's a helluva lot more important than making sure his readers are entertained. But it would be a terrible loss for all of us. Luckily, he talked himself out of it.

And since I'm so grateful, I'll ignore the praise he offered Hillary Clinton. Man, did that occassion a shudder.


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