Thursday, August 18, 2005

I'm Back

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the originator of this affront to humanity ahs returned from his honeymoon, and finally overcome jet lag and the accumulated work enough to feel comfortable sharing my thoughts with you. Aren't you grateful?

I apologize for extending my absence for a few days, but brokering that truce between T.O. and the Eagles was hard work.

A huge thank you to the Lord of Truth, who will continue in his role as co-blogger. In the near future, I hope to introduce other voices to this site, perhaps with some diversity on all issues... other than the desire to punch Katie Couric in the face, which is a desire shared by all reasonable men and women.

There will be the long-promised final wedding update, but it won't be until this weekend. Until then, we'll start to assault you with more of the usual. Translation: the world can resume yawning.


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