Thursday, August 18, 2005

Nice Haircut...and Your Reporting Stinks Too

NBC's hard-hitting news show "Today" sent crack journalist Matt Lauer to Iraq yesterday to accompany Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Myers and interview some troops. I managed to catch some of the interview and, well, I'll leave it to the Enlighten-NewJersey blog to point out that Mr. Lauer shouldn't be using the word "objective" in a sentence any time soon.

That's right Matt- don't actually LISTEN to what the troops are telling you - just assume that you know how they feel better than they do and you know how things are really going. You're right - you probably have to interpret what they are saying because they are mere soldiers - they can't possibly express themselves clearly. Or maybe they are just misinformed. Thank God the U.S. media is there to fill them in on what really happens every day in Iraq.

Captain Powell: I salute you for your answer.

Oh and Matt, if you do want to get on my good side, punch Katie Couric in the face. I'll salute you too if you do that for me, you big pansy.


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