Thursday, August 18, 2005

The U.N.: Screwing Up Consistently Since 1946

Ah, yes, the United Nations, that paragon of international comity, strikes again...

The United Nations’ funding of a Palestinian Arab propaganda campaign timed to coincide with Israel’s pullout from the Gaza Strip has increased tensions between the U.N. and American officials.

America’s newly installed ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, labeled “inappropriate and unacceptable” the United Nations Development Program financing of materials bearing the slogan “Today Gaza, Tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem.”

Mr. Bolton said yesterday that the UNDP had failed to explain why it funneled money to the Palestinian Authority to back the production of banners, bumper stickers, mugs, and T-shirts bearing the provocative slogan as well as UNDP logos.

Responding to angry reactions from Jewish and Israeli leaders, UNDP officials yesterday said financial support from the agency was intended to help the Palestinian Authority communicate with Palestinian Arabs during Israel’s evacuation of Jewish settlers from Gaza.

In a letter to the American Jewish Congress, which had decried the funding of the propaganda materials, a UNDP administrator, Kemal Dervis, said it was “not at all acceptable” that the agency’s logo was placed on the propaganda.
(hat tip: Best of the Web) Why not also add that the propaganda's unacceptable? The Isreali pullout from gaza is a courageous decision, although one that Hamas and terrorist groups will spin as proof that their tactics of suicide bombing and terrorist cowardice actually work. it's not a good thing when the friggin' U.N. assists in the effort. And thank God, despite the best efforts of the Democratic Party, that we have U.N. Ambassador with the guts to hold the agency's feet to the fire.


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