Sunday, January 10, 2010

He Meant To Burn the Family Jewels?

Just when you thought the stupid stuff in the blogosphere was limited to healthcare reform...

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab really mean to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 as it came in for a landing on Christmas Day over Detroit, or was the object of his terrorist plot simply to scare us? As bizarre a question as that seems to be, Atlantic blogger Andrew Sullivan indulgently quotes six paragraphs from one of his readers espousing that exact theory.

The reader’s argument seems to hinge upon the supposition that the goal of Islamic terrorists is terror for the sake of terror, and that if terrorists really wanted to bring down an airliner, Abdulmutallab would not have carried out his attack in the manner that he did.
In the linked article, Bob Owens does a decent job tearing this theory to shreds. But Vodkapundit does a pretty decent job summarizing it well...
A man does not set fire to his penis for a job he expects to botch. Period.
Now there's a sentence that's never been typed before.

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