Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The John Kerry Post of the Day

My latest discovery about my favorite cheese-eating surrendermonkey-looking Ketchup King cum Presidential candidate:

Sometimes, he makes it too easy. Check out this exchange this morning from Kerry's appearance on Imus, which was filled with his usual campaign gobbledy-gook...

IMUS: Do you think there are any circumstances we should have gone to war in Iraq -- any?

KERRY: Not under the current circumstances, no, there are none that I see. I voted based on weapons of mass destruction. The president distorted that and I've said that. I mean, look, I can't be clearer. But I think it was the right vote based on what Saddam Hussein had done, and I think it was the right thing to do to hold him accountable. I've said a hundred times, there was a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. The president chose the wrong way. Can't be more direct than that.
That last line is the greatest close he's ever given.

Okay, let's see. He voted to give the President authority to go to war, but didn't mean it? Maybe Ketchup Boy has forgotten that only Congress can vote to authorize the United States to go to war. That's exactly what Congress did in fall of 2002. Kerry's now trying to sell the vote like Congress voted to give Bush authority to shake his fist at Saddam, but not to punch him. Isn't this a confession that he basically abdicated his duty as a Senator to make the decision? No wonder Kerry likes the U.N. so much -- they're the same people who will pass a resolution threatening war, then follow it up with another resolution. Maybe Kerry thinks Bush had to go to Congress and get a vote to put Saddam on double-secret probation before he went into Iraq.

What's hysterical about Kerry's campaign is that he's gone totally negative, after asking Bush to run a "positive" campaign during the Democratic Convention. First he whined when Bush and others aptly criticized his record, now all he does is try and criticize Bush's record. He's got Terry McAuliffe and other surrogates trying to attack Bush on the Guard story, and I fully expect one of these idiots to go out and plug Kitty Kelly's book. We don't see any new proposals or new ideas out of John Kerry, just the same tired spin.

What's really scary is the idea that this guy could become President. This was the most electable candidate the Democrats had?



Blogger . said...

Finally! An anti-Kerry blog! WTG!

11:38 PM  

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