Thursday, July 15, 2004

The John Kerry Post of the Day

My latest discovery about my favorite cheese-eating surrendermonkey-looking Ketchup King cum Presidential candidate:

JFK 2.0 spoke at the NAACP Convention today, in my former hometown of Philadelphia. There's no word on whether he stopped for a cheesesteak at Pat's again, although I'm guessing he won't make the mistake of ordering a steak with Swiss this time around (maybe brie, though).

But here's an excerpt from his speech, courtesy of NRO Online's Kerry Spot, as reported by Jim Geraghty:

"I will be a President who talks with everyone — those who agree with me and those who don't. I will be a President who truly is a uniter, not one who seeks to divide our nation by race, riches or any other label. I will be a President who shares the values of people of all colors who get up and go to work every day, try to raise their families in dignity and want to leave this world a better place for their children. I will be a President who when he is invited into your home, will always say yes."
And people say Bush lies. If I invite John Kerry into my house, I'm guessing I'll need to have at least 100 people paying $1,000 a piece for the privilege of five minutes of the Senator's time. But on this basis alone, I'm inviting Kerry to the wedding -- at the very least, Teresa Heinz-Kerry can afford a helluva nice gift.

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