A new feature... just because...
I’ve reached a conclusion regarding Barack Obama.
He’s a really crappy lawyer.
This is not a conclusion that I reach lightly.
In fact, it’s against my own self-interest, since I attended the same law school and determining that he’s not a good lawyer tends to undercut the six figure investment I made in my education.
But it’s a relatively straightforward conclusion at this point.
Ask yourself this question – would you hire Barack Obama to represent you as a lawyer?
Most of the time, lawyers get hired to be an advocate.
I don’t think I would hire Obama as an advocate.
At least, not if I wanted to win.
My view of a great advocate has always borrowed from the advice I first heard imparted by legendary legal scholar Bum Phillips.
Okay, Phillips was a football coach, but the general philosophy fits when judging the quality of your legal representation.
Phillips repeated a statement that I believe was first used to describe the greatness of Bear Bryant as a football coach:
“He can take his’n and beat your’n.
And he can take your’n and beat his’n.”
Translating that to the law, a truly skilled courtroom advocate is someone who can take a certain set of facts and win the case arguing either side. Does that description apply to Obama? Is he someone who can make a convincing argument for both sides of an issue, enough so that he can convince people on the other side of the issue to hear him out and possibly change their minds?
If I’d asked that question in December 2008, the response from the vast majority of the country would have been “Duh.”
Obama had just convinced a majority of Americans to elect him President
– something that was seen as particularly amazing by people who were convinced that
America was made up tons of people with latent racist feelings.
Based off that performance, perhaps it was okay to believe that we were on the precipice of some grand age, that this would be the moment when “the seas stopped rising and our planet began to heal”, to steal one particularly idiotic bit of overselling from our President, made during the heady days of his 2008 campaign.
Turns out that was the
high point of the Obama Experience thus far, and will likely remain so.
The 2008 campaign was essentially a fantastic ad campaign for a product (Barack Obama) that could be morphed into whatever people wanted him to be.
If you were a liberal anti-war zealot, this was the guy who would end the wars and close Gitmo.
If you a moderate sick of the divisions of the Bush years, this was the man who would unite
America under a post-partisan banner of a rising sun or whatever the hell that logo was.
If you were a conservative disillusioned by the Bush years… well, he was not a conservative, but he had a first-class temperament and would listen to people on the other side in a way that made them feel like they were being heard.
To be fair, this effectively trapped Obama when he arrived in office as a victim of unrealistic expectations – once he became President, he had to start actually doing stuff, and some of that was bound to take the bloom off his rose. But since he created those expectations and openly surfed the wave created by them to the Presidency, it’s fair to assign the headache of navigating these problems to him. Some of us foresaw such an event, but it should have been obvious from the start.
Which brings us to today, and the President’s upcoming 79,124th speech to Congress/press conference/random White House speech/townhall/whatever.
Other than unnecessarily cluttering up my television screen prior to the kickoff of the NFL season,
the address is supposed to focus on jobs… and in reality serve as the latest kickoff to Obama’s Presidential re-election campaign.
The real question is whether any of this will convince anyone to vote for him.
It won’t convince me,
but I’m not the target audience.
However, while I’ve been concluding that Obama is a really crappy lawyer, liberals have suddenly begun bitching about his leadership style.
The grumbling has been audible since late last year, but it’s now kicked into high gear, although a good chunk of it is people hoping to push the President back to his leftward base to spur them to vote.
But to the extent the bitching is about leadership, allow me to make two points.
First, it’s not really a problem with leadership – it’s a matter of executive competence.
President Obama had no experience coming in at running anything of real importance, save for his own Presidential campaign.
And it shows.
He’s been doing a lot of on-the-job learning, and in what should be most depressing of all to his supporters, he’s not picking up the lessons very fast.
Second, this is a reputation that he’s earned.
As I noted recently, GOP candidates are typically classified as mean or dumb, and the press has started to classify Rick Perry as dumb already, as they once did with W. and Reagan.
Sometimes the rep sticks, even if it’s unfair.
But Obama was hailed as brilliant from day one, and only recently has the press started to come to a conclusion that many on the right reached long ago – the President is out of his depth and not ready for this job.
Again, he’s
earned the reputation of being an incompetent leader.
People may or may not trust the press when they allege or intimate that Rick Perry is short on brain cells, but they’re more likely to believe it if they reach that conclusion independently based on seeing him in action.
And they’re doing that with President Obama now.
Way to go, champ.
Let me close with an observation from
Instapundit that is dead-on. He's been running a feature mocking "hope and change" and had this to say...
I can’t find the link now, but somebody was criticizing this feature a while back as “juvenile.” Well, I am quite deliberately rubbing it in, as the ridiculously inflated expectations for Obama are regularly and repeatedly exposed as . . . ridiculously inflated. But what’s really juvenile is expecting that an inexperienced former community organizer could successfully execute the office of President of the United States. And if I’m peeing all over the wave of hope-and-change hype that got him into office despite his obvious unsuitability, it’s to help ensure that nothing this disastrous happens again in my lifetime. I realize that it’s painful for those who fell victim to the mass hysteria to constantly be reminded of their foolishness, but I hope it’ll be the kind of pain that results in learning.
If they're anything like the President they supported in 2008, they'll be slow learners.
Labels: 2008 election, 2012 election, barack obama, Harvard, Obama broken promises